
Guru Godfrey

Personal Development & Spiritual Growth

Choosing the life you desire,
can be as simple as reaching for the right mental attitude.
Mind Training is the Key to Personal Development & Spiritual Growth.

Mind Training for Personal Development & Spiritual Growth

At Guru Godfrey, we empower you to reclaim your natural ability to create the life you desire. Our practical solutions guide your self-improvement, personal development, and spiritual growth.

Your underlying belief about the nature of life shapes the reality of your experiences. The right mindset will ensure that you enjoy good health and happy circumstances.

A variety of self improvement resources to speed up your spiritual growth, include:

– Mindset training for Personal Development

– Life coaching for Spiritual Growth: Attract good health and pleasant circumstances.

– Online courses: Develop the mental skills you need for self-improvement and spiritual growth.

Connect with us today.

Self-help Tips for Anxiety & Depression

The Fractal Effect of Worry

This is the third and final part of the series on “How to Kill Worry”. Worry and fear are such damaging emotions that even the Bible has counseled us against falling into these negative habits.

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How Faith Powers Your Creation Machine

All creation in your life comes through the field or plane of intelligence. Intelligence is the field that we use to manifest or populate our lives with circumstances, events and all the other props that make up the experience we call life.

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You Are Already a Creator

You are already creating your reality.

It’s a different story that you are unable to control this faculty. You are unable to deliberately create that which you desire.

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